The first Uruguayan reggae album generated with artificial intelligence (IA) The House of Reggae It is now available on digital platforms.
This is an initiative carried out by the Uruguayan singer Being Rasta who explained that all the music and voices were generated by AI.
“I tried the themes of La Casa del Reggae, The House of Reggae, and the name of my two cats: Tosh y Negril. And a lot of things came out there.. Also in some songs I added lyrics that I had already written and the AI continued the song with the theme that I indicated.“, He said Sergio Ramirez, Ser Rasta's real name.
“Son 21 tracks that make you doubt if the music is natural or created with an application”, the Uruguayan artist emphasized.
When listening to the album it is undetectable that it is generated by artificial intelligence, perhaps the length of the songs could be an indicator, But in any case, it is a controversial topic that will undoubtedly generate a wide debate that is already in vogue. Is music created by AI music as such??
We leave you the album so you can listen to it and form your own opinion.