“Adrift”, the collaboration of Tiano Bless and Legalerta in Unidad Riddim

Tiano Bless y Lengualerta se unen en el single "A la Deriva"

the national singer Tiano Bless, who just participated in the version 2024 de Lollapalooza Chile, stars alongside the Mexican Language the recent release of the single “Adrift”, as part of the Riddim Unit.

This riddim is a Latin fusion reggae compilation that had its first releases in February with “Bing Bang” of Fidel Nadal Y “I loved you” from Spanish Dactah Chando.

Then, at the beginning of march, they showed up “Before It's Too Late”, of the Brazilians Jhayam Y Ms. Paola Y “A Better Tomorrow”, from the German Sara Lugo and spanish Morodo.

Along with Tiano's single Bless, This Friday the songs were also released “Ice Tears” from the german band Raggabond, composed of brothers Don Caramelo and Paco Mendoza, both of Paraguayan and Peruvian descent, in addition to “True Love” from the Colombian Afaz Natural.

“We've been working on this for a while and we're excited to see it all finally come together”, Moritz stated “DaBaron” from Korff, main producer of the project and also bassist of the band Dub Inc.

These works were produced by Frédéric Pyron, von Korff himself and Stefan “Tavi” attitude, mixed and mastered by Umberto Echo and launched by Oneness Records.