The One Love Tour brings back The Wailers

The legendary band will perform this 14 August at the Teatro Coliseo in Santiago.

The legendary band that accompanied Bob Marley, The Wailers, returns to Chile as part of the South American tour of One Love Tour 2022, that will also pass through Peru and then through Brazil.

It will be a single concert in Santiago that will take place on Sunday 14 of August to 20:00 hours in the Colosseum Theater, in which the group will present its latest studio album One World (2020), Grammy nominated, in addition to classic songs from the stage with Marley.

This time the band will be led by Aston Barrett Jr, namesake son of “Familyman”, the nickname of the historic bassist who shared the stage with Bob.

Tickets are on sale through the system Puntoticket and they are priced at 32.200 pesos.