- The event will be held this Saturday 1 April in the amphitheater of San Pedro de la Paz.
The Amphitheater of San Pedro de la Paz will be the stage, this Saturday 1 of April, of a new version of the Natural Reggae Fest, a whole tradition as far as festivals are concerned in the Biobío Region since it is celebrating a decade of history.
A festival that started with 500 spectators, that in its last edition managed to summon 12 a thousand people, evidence of its gradual and sustained growth that places it as one of the main free music events in the region and among the largest free reggae festivals in the country.
“It is the natural growth of the festival, from less to more, and actually every year has been better, this year they also improve the technical conditions, improve public attendance, improve private support”, comments to Reggae Chalice mixed Coco, musician and one of the organizers of this event.
The sustained growth of the attending public over the years demonstrates progress in production work, but the main goal, beyond continuing to increase the audience, is to deliver a good show and give opportunities to musicians in the area.
“we have no ambition, we do not manage by figures, the natural audience is about 5 what a 8 a thousand people, but the amount of public is not something significant for us because we do the same diffusion work and the same work model is used every year and it has had a natural growth”, asserts Mista Coco.
“What matters to us is that the show is good, that people feel this tradition of Natural Reggae Fest, that every year between March and April this festival is held, that people ask us during the year, that people interact with us, that for us is important, let this grow, that this be established as an important milestone in the region, as the second largest festival held in the region, and the largest made in the region, because the REC is made in Santiago, but it is played here”, emphasizes.
Regarding support for artists in the area, Mista Coco states thate “The objective is to show the work of regional artists mainly and strengthen the reggae scene in Concepción, which is very strong., where music in general is powerful, there are plenty of events and through that we can also work on our music, make ourselves known and expose the work of many people who do not have the opportunity to step on big stages because reggae is not such a massive music”.
For the above, bands from the area will form the cartel, as Combo Klatt, vibration Eleva, next to own Mista Coco and El Barrio Moreno, in addition to the debutant Go ahead. Likewise, there will be national guests such as the SoundSystem collective of the port, black ark; Maxi Vargas, Captain Jungle, Balaguero, Zulu Dread and Kitra. complete the show Mama, from Argentina.
The growth of this event allows the organizers of the event to set goals for the future.
“The idea is from now on that the time comes for us to make the leap and for the festival to be international and being able to count on one or two top-level artists. That it is also a tourist attraction for the city, that will help us to get more support and that it always continues to be of free access, that is super important”, concluded Mista Coco.