Nonpalidece premiered the first single from his new album, a collaboration with Mykal Rose

Nonpalidece premiered the first single from his new album

the argentinian band Nonpalidece presented the first advance of his next album, the ninth study, Nonpale Made in Jamaica, with a single that has the collaboration of the reggae icon Mykal Rose, former vocalist of Black Uhuru.

It is a reversion of the band's classic “Reggae in the Universe”, included in the album spread the word (2006), with a louder “rocker” and with the unmistakable presence of Rose, winner of the first Reggae-specific Grammy in 1985 with disc Anthem de Black Uhuru.

further, the single comes accompanied by a video clip that shows images of the recording in Jamaica, the visit to the island and his time in the studios Harry J, Anchor Recording Studios Y Tuff Gong Studio.

look here the song: