Emerging musicians called to record with new music label

An interesting call for emerging musicians of the Metropolitan Region makes the nascent record label Dreams Records so that they are part of your catalog.

This calling search select 6 projects to produce, gravedigger, To edit, mix and master 1 single original making free use of the rehearsal rooms, recording studio, musical instruments and backline of M2O-Estudio and Cazotte during the process.

Besides all this, the benefit includes promotional activity and digital distribution of the single.

Likewise, the 6 winning projects will be evaluated by a team of teachers from Projazz, who they will choose a finalist who will take furniture, equipment and acoustics for a home studio station.

The call will be open from 3 al 28 of May and those interested may apply by presenting a demo with an original song of any musical genre that has not been published, marketed or distributed in any way before or during this process.

this demo, in audio or video format, must be sent by mail convocatoria.dreams2023@gmail.com, also indicating the personal data of the contestant or of each member in case of being a band.

The details of this contest and its bases can be found at www.cazotte.cl or in the next link, while for doubts and inquiries you can send an email to the 26 May to consultas.dreams2023@gmail.com.

The results will be announced next 6 of June through www.cazotte.cl and on the social networks of Cazotte and M2O-Estudio.

This contest is sponsored in addition to the aforementioned Cazotte and M2O Estudio by Croma, Acoustic Foams, the Projazz Professional Institute and the Ministry of Cultures and Arts and Heritage.