Jamaican Italian singer alborosie added a new date on his visit to Chile next November, when you have a show scheduled the day 19 at the Santiago Underground Club.
According to World Music Agency, Alborosie will open its South American tour in La Serena, the 18 of November, with a presentation at Centennial Theater, although at the moment the price of the tickets and when they will be on sale are unknown..
After passing through Santiago, the musician will move to Buenos Aires to introduce yourself the day 21 at Luna Park and then he will head to Brazil, to offer the day 24 a show in Fortaleza Y the day 25 will participate in the Republica do Reggae Festival, in Salvador de Bahia, one of the main reggae events in this part of the world.
There are still tickets on sale for the Alborosie event in Santiago Passline.