- The trio of Paul, Amilcar Fidel and republish a disc after 20 years.
“We never went, We were always”, reflects Fidel Nadal. It is this return of Lumumba, which has some nuances to call “return” as such, it was something that would happen, sooner or later, It was the natural course of music.
And it is a return to some nuances, we say, because they returned to the stage- the three together- some time ago, in 2014, 14 years later , and although they were not playing live as Lumumba from 2000, They were always close.
So after five years of wanderings on stage in Latin America, Now came time to capture the return with a new studio album after 20 years, when “Roots and Culture” Y “It is the Bum”, and before, the self-titled album “Lumumba”, They marked and transcended the reggae scene of the time with the first approaches to the Rastafari faith through letters in Spanish.
“We had to stick together because or if you could not not recreate again those moments of the past that had been good, we had experienced, (there was) a need to gather”, holds Pablo Molina, in conversation grouping with Reggae Chalice.
Fidel reaffirms: “We never went, We were always. Perhaps it was delayed (return), not made new music, (but) Now it was time for new music from Lumumba, new songs”.
Thus now the turn of the EP “Rise & Shine”, whose work began last year and, although it will be released next 10 of May, are already circulating a few advancements: singles “aunk aunk” Y “Far from me“.
“Lumumba new issues, If you hear the letters, Note that social criticism remains, in art (…) I think, and I'm happy, that we have managed to find back the formula of making art and not just a cheap criticism”, remark Amilcar Nadal.
“I am happy, at least on my part, that what we are achieving is to follow the script of what was the album 'Roots and Culture’ and say: I feel that we have not betrayed what we stand”, synthesized singer.
Those memories of the past not blind, They know that what they did was just the beginning and the road continues. “I told Pablo: If you think you left a trace because we did what we did with Lumumba you are totally wrong, this is something that only started and now we must continue”, said Amilcar.
Among the innovations that brings this EP is a collaboration with Authentic Declining.
“One of the things was to make a song with Authentic Declining, the letter is tremendous, and they have taken over to sing with us is very large part of them”, Amilcar assessed.